Pei Lin - 林沛
Master Candidate
ShanghaiTech University - 上海科技大学 - SIST - VDI
Hi, now I am a master candidate student in computer science and technology at VRVC Lab, ShanghaiTech University, advised by Prof. Lan Xu. I also work close with Prof. Jingyi Yu and Prof. Jingya Wang. I obtained my B.E. in computer science at ShanghaiTech University.I am passionate and interested in reconstruction, motion capture and motion generation.
My currrent research focuses on hands motion and try to find a way to combine the hands motion with LLM.
RhythMo Digital Technology Inc. - 域动数字科技有限公司
I am also the co-founder of RhythMo.RhythMo aims to offer a light weight motion capture system for VR/AR/VTuber and help to map the motion in real world to virtual.
Here is our softwares:
![Popup Image](files/Paper/RhyLive.png)
![Popup Image](files/Paper/RhyVerse3.png)
![Popup Image](files/Paper/HandDiffuse.png)
HandDiffuse: Generative Controllers for Two-Hand Interactions via Diffusion Models
Pei Lin, Sihang Xu, Hongdi Yang, Yiran Liu, Xin Chen, Jingya Wang, JIngyi Yu, Lan Xu
(Arxiv 2023)
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage] [Code]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/humannerf.png)
HumanNeRF: Efficiently Generated Human Radiance Field from Sparse Inputs
Fuqiang Zhao, Wei Yang, Jiakai Zhang, Pei Lin, Yingliang Zhang, Jingyi Yu, Lan Xu
(CVPR 2022)Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage] [Code]
NeuralHumanFVV: Real-Time Neural Volumetric Human Performance Rendering using RGB Cameras
Xin Suo, Yuheng Jiang, Pei Lin, Yingliang Zhang, Minye Wu, Kaiwen Guo, Lan Xu
(CVPR 2021)Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/HOI.png)
Neural Free-Viewpoint Performance Rendering under Complex Human-object Interactions
Guoxing Sun, Xin Chen, Yizhang Chen, Anqi Pang, Pei Lin, Yuheng Jiang, Lan Xu, Jingya Wang, Jingyi Yu
(ACM MM 2021 Oral)ACM Multimedia
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage]
RhythMo Digital Technology Inc. - 上海域动数字科技有限公司
Jan. 2021 - Feb. 2024
RhythMo aims to offer a light weight motion capture system for VR/AR/VTuber and help to map the motion in real world to virtual. It was incubated from the Visual Data Intelligence (VDI) Center at ShanghaiTech, by a group of fearless PhD students with various expertise on motion capture and motion generation.
Stereye Technology Inc. - 上海岱悟智能有限公司
Jun. 2020 - Sep.2020
R&D Intern
Researched SLAM and point cloud reconstruction. Attempted to automatically generate CAD from point cloud.
ShanghaiTech University - 上海科技大学
Sep. 2020 - Present
Master Candidate
I am a Master Candidate on computer vision research, advised by Prof. Lan Xu and developed a framework for hands motion generation and sign language recognition combined with LLM.
ShanghaiTech University - 上海科技大学
Sep. 2016 - Jul. 2020
I obtained my B.E. in computer science at ShanghaiTech University.
Programming Languages
- Python (Pytorch, Tensorflow, and so on.)
- C++ (OpenCV and so on. )
- Visual Studio, Pycharm, Jupyter Notebook
- Matlab
- Blender
- Adobe Photoshop, Premiere
- TOEFL 103
- GRE 320
- Latex, Markdown